Latest news

  1. For one month we have been working on a new project in cooperation with DoVira Help Foundation. Adaptive clothing for hospitals! At the moment we only have an overlock and a sewing machine. We would love to expand. If you still have a little treasure that you no longer need, we would be delighted. Even if the machine has a fault, it can be considered. We are also happy to accept sewing supplies and fabric tests.

What we have achieved

  • To date, we have sent 18 trucks and 10 sprinters with humanitarian aid to Ukraine.
  • Founded ensembles "Glocken UA" and "Glöckchen UA".
  • Opened a Saturday school in Ukrainian for children.
  • More than €25,000 was spent on products.
  • A total of €23,000 was spent on transport.
  • Medicines and dressing materials worth more than €20,000 were handed over.
  • 3 electrocoagulators with accessories, an endoscope and 10 vacuum mats were purchased for a total of €12,500.
  • €10,000 spent on intensive care unit beds.
  • An ambulance was handed over.
  • Purchased thermal suits for paramedics, hand and foot warmers for €11,000 and a lot of other things.



Tetyana Pankovska

Tetyana Pankovska

Donations in Siegen

+49 176 73552192

Dr. med. Wassilij Tscherleniak

Dr. med. Wassilij Tscherleniak


Dr. Tetiana Havlin

Dr. Tetiana Havlin

Coordination, donation receipts



E-Mail adress:


Details for financial support 

Friedensgruppe Siegen -Hilfe für die Ukraine

IBAN  DE59 4605 0001 0001 2918 55


A donation receipt can be issued on request. Please include your postal address in the reference field of the transaction. If you have not done so, please send us an e-mail with the date and amount of your payment.

Collection points

We collect donations for Ukraine at the following addresses:
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.



Sandstraße 95, 57072 Siegen

Opening hours:
by appointment

Marienhütte 8, 57080 Siegen

Opening hours:
Wed: 12-16 / Fri: 8-12

List of items/medicines still needed

Download as PDF
Sachspenden Liste 2024.pdf (244.21KB)
Download as PDF
Sachspenden Liste 2024.pdf (244.21KB)


Photo gallery 
